Monday, February 16, 2009

Gut- Check Time!

I was speaking to my Elders quorum president this weekend and I told him that I knew of many members of the Church who voted for Obama, an open proponent of abortion and gay rights, as well as socialism. His answer gave me a chuckle…
"Naw, don't tell me that!"

Understandably, he figured all Mormons were conservatives. How, after all, can you be a liberal and an honest Mormon? Or are you just that uninformed? Apparently, some of you out there think that you can separate your religious beliefs from your political philosophies. I call this new set of opinions "The Philosophies Of Men, Mingled With Scripture". Sound familiar?

Your political ideologies should be a direct result of your religious beliefs, not contrary to them. If you leftists sheep cannot muster the integrity to follow what is right and true, then please quit saying you are Mormon. If I have to see one more "gay Mormon" on a reality show, I will vomit! If you are a practicing gay, you missed a few thousand Sunday school lessons.

When the great judgment day of the Lord comes, he will not be impressed with how fiscally egalitarian you were, or how supportive you were to sexual deviants, how fashionable your opinions were, or how popular you were.

There are things that will matter to God in the political spectrum so here is a primer on how to check yourself, in case they're unclear to you:

Sanctity of Human Life
1. Abortion - The Church allows you to have one without disciplinary recourse in cases of rape incest or mothers life endangered. HOWEVER, it should be seen as an undesirable last resort. The church exhorts and I would encourage you poor victims to go ahead with the delivery anyway. Remember, it isn't the child's fault. If the Lord allowed you to conceive through this violent and unspeakable act, it is because he knew his daughter to be strong enough to spare the innocent life of the baby and endure such a hardship. We do not kill for convenience.

2. Euthanasia - aging and death are just as much a part of life as birth and development. All stages of life are to be experienced for a full measure of life. We do not kill for convenience.

3. Death Penalty - The Church does not wish for someone to die in their sins; if they are not repentant, they should be put to death to protect society, even the other prisoners in jail. State sponsored execution is a vital part of the repentance process for capital crimes and should always remain an option.

1. Marriage - is between one woman and one man, while supplies last. Under the direction of God, that ratio can be altered as required by the Plan of Salvation. Only under the guidance of the prophet.

2. Same Sex Marriage - is fruitless and a perversion of natural laws. Same sex attraction is a temptation (or symptom of mental illness) to be resisted and overcome, just like a love of alcohol, tobacco, violence, or adultery. We are to be chaste and pure from ALL temptations, not just the ones we do not enjoy. Loved ones thus afflicted should be loved and assisted in the righteous reaction to such temptations but the behavior is NEVER to be embraced or supported.

Civil Obligations
1. War - Service in the military is noble and required to preserve this and any other nation which allows religious freedom. Any government which opposes the spread of Mormon doctrines should be opposed and their downfall celebrated, including ones own. If it takes conflict to open a closed land to the gospel, that is for the Lord to decide. Remember, Freedom is not free.

2. Taxes - render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s. Remember, however, that the Church welfare system is the best philanthropic medium for donation of excess funds, not the bureaucracy that runs (ruins) most countries. If you want to help the poor, forget your local soup kitchen and give it to the Church.

These are the big ones. More can be found much better said in The Family: A Proclamation To The World (link below). I would encourage you to humble yourself and earnestly pray about your particular political leanings. Make sure you are on the right side, and know which side those you ally yourselves to are on.

This means YOU Harry Reid!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The problem with the Barak Stimulus Plan

Okay, now I'm gonna start with the “Festivus Airing of Grievances”, albeit a little late. Sorry, I was busy celebrating Jesus’ birth.

The Barack Stimulus bill. The B.S. bill. I’ll say.

I’m not going to go into a lengthy detailed explanation of Keynesian economics. This is the “double-secret Cliff’s notes version (brought to you by the Delta Tau Chi class of ’62).

Long story short, this bill is supposed to make the economy rebound. The fastest way to grow the economy is to create and fulfill demand for domestic output. In other words; make crap and sell it!

All this bill will do is pump more money into the hands of special interest groups and pet social projects that will end up crippling our economy. How will this cripple us?

Google/Wiki the following items:
Fiat money
Currency devaluation

When our treasury tries to print a lot of devalued “Benjamins” to repay these loans, it will kill the dollar. The dead dollar will be cast out as the world’s reserve currency. Our country will die.

Since this is only constructive criticism if I offer advice…

…How about this:

Cancel all of the stupid bailouts and the “BS plan” and take the money, ALL 2.189 TRILLION dollars in debt we’ve racked up over the last 8 months and split it up.

Every US household will get a check for $20,000.00. Now let them spend it however they need to. All of that money will go right back into our economy creating demand for goods we create.

Create a significant tax exemption for any company that has its number of full time employees increase quarterly. Lower the minimum wage to $5.00.

Suspend all Federal income, sales, and capital gains taxes for 9 months. The States can do as they wish.

Grant tax-free status for 24 months to any company that cancels it’s outsourced and foreign labor contracts and reopens its domestic facilities. Manufacturing companies would get gigantic, permanent tax breaks.

That should do it. If Congress wanted to implement a flat/fair tax…that’d be fine too.

See what happens when you elect a lawyer? Should've elected Mitt!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome to another waste of ones and zeros!

Well, I suppose it was inevitable. I'm opinionated, computer literate, and baseball season is over (gorays) . There is actually one good reason for blogging.

It makes the voices go away for a while. It’s a lot like when you get that stupid song stuck in your head after the guy next to you at the stop light was impressing everyone with his quadraphonic Blaupunkt.

Now you’re at work and every time your boss says “Show me how you do it.” You think “…Go-head; put ya back in-to it. Do ya thing like dey ain’t nutin to it…”

You just have to sing it and get it stuck in someone else’s head. Then you are free!

Kinda the same effect here. Since I can’t sleep because my trigger finger is itching, I’ll tell you why and let yours itch for a while. Then I can sleep.

I’m not going to begin airing my grievances tonight. I’m way too tired. I will try to keep my posts under 350 words, which sounds wordy but I assure you is extremely brief. Those of you who know me will agree.

Lastly, I hope that you’ll find in my words some reassurances:

You are not alone.

Someone else does feel exactly the same way you do.

You are understood.

Yes, someone out there has the gonads to say (type) that which you are thinking.

Yes, Reese’s cups were the manna from Heaven that sustained the Jews during the exodus.

So, come back soon. I’ll post every Thursday as it is a slow news day and after The Office, what else is there to watch.

See you soon.

P.S. If you've heard that song before, you'll be singing/humming/whistling it in less than two hours. Ah, the power!